Sunday, November 26, 2017

Nov 27-Dec 1

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving and enjoyed some down time and lots of laughter with loved ones!  This next month is such an exciting one to experience through the eyes of a child. We will continue to be busy in Kindergarten, but will certainly be taking time to enjoy the  magic of the season.

Just a reminder that on Friday, the Kindergarten classes will be hosting An Afternoon With Astronauts!  The students are so excited about this!  It will begin at 2:30, but please come and go as you are able!  We will wrap about a bit before 3:00 and you are free to take your child home with you at dismissal time.
Also, a huge thank you to all families who donated supplies to help with this event!

Important Dates and Reminders:

11/29: Kwik Trip gift card orders due
12/7: PJ day and PJ's, Pizza and Publishing Family Night 5:30-7:00
12/12: NO SCHOOL
12/13: Holiday Wear Day
12/21: PJ Day
12/22-1/1: NO SCHOOL

Here is a peek at our week:

Math: This week we will take some time to review concepts learned so far in our math unit.  We will work on number sequencing, number formation and -1 equations.  We will also review identifying and classifying shapes and will play some math games that will help us to be more automatic with our +1 pattern.  We will start to discuss partners (2 numbers that work together to make a larger number) of numbers and work to see partners of a number through math drawings.

Reading:  This week we will kick off a new unit called: Bigger Books, Bigger Reading Muscles.  This unit builds perfectly off of Super Powers unit!  This week we will learn to use a reading mat to organize our books from easy to more challenging and will then make a plan for the reading powers we will need to use to tackle our more challenging books.  We will rely on using patterns that books give us, snap words, beginning sounds and picture support to continue growing as readers.

Writing: We have been working SO hard to make sure we are getting one WHOLE story written each day in writer's workshop!  This week we will reread our books as we write to make sure we are writing everything we can to tell WHO is in our story, WHERE they are and WHAT happened.  We will also learn to add more vowel sounds to our writing to make it easier to read and will also challenge ourselves to write snap words correctly every time.

Science:  We will excitedly prepare to share our learning with you this Friday by: researching a space topic we are interested in using books and Ipads and then writing a book about it.  We will also be painting a "model" of our space topic.  Needless to say, science will be our favorite time of the day this week!

Snap Words: At conferences, you received a list of snap words that will be taught in Kindergarten this year.  Any practice with these words that can happen at home is super helpful to your child as a reader and writer.  Here is a list of fun and engaging ways to practice these words at home!  Thanks so much for your support!

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