Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 12-16

I cannot believe spring conferences are next week!  I am anxious to share the wonderful things your children are doing with you very soon!  Please use this link to sign up for a conference if you have not yet!!

Important Dates and Reminders:
3/16: Wear Green
3/19: Badger Day
3/20 & 3/22: Parent Teacher Conferences
3/28: 1/2 day 11:30 Dismissal
3/28: Egg Crack off and class color day- more info to come
3/29-4/2 NO SCHOOL

Here is a peek at the week:

Math: Mathematicians are digging deeper into teen numbers. We know that teen numbers are a group of ten and extras; we will discover that mathematicians can see that when they build numbers OR look at equations. Each student will create a book that shows a picture, equation, and correct way to write the digits for each teen number to solidify this understanding. We will look at partners of the numbers 6-10. Although students are not expected to know these partners fluently, they are expected to build with tools or draw to show the partners to 10. Mathematicians will review position words and shapes this week.

Reading: To wrap up our nonfiction unit, students will work in nonfiction book clubs to learn all they can about topics they are interested in. After readers read about the same topic, they can talk about the key details and ask “What’s the same? What’s different?” Readers will then be able to invent their own ways to share their books and keep the conversation going!

Some examples of how to share include:

 Acting out the book
Preparing a read aloud--just like a teacher!
Planting questions in the book to ask their "students"

Writing: As we are nearing the end of our All About writing unit. the writers will be focusing on revising and editing. We will check over our work to make sure we:

used lowercase letters in the middle of our sentences
used uppercase letters at the beginning of the sentence
have snap words spelled correctly
have punctuation in our books
included an introduction and conclusion
included our opinion on some pages

Students will write their final All About piece on Friday that will go into their portfolios! I can't wait to share how far they have come as writers during conferences.

Social Studies: After starting to think about what makes them so special, students will have a chance to show what makes them unique in the following centers:

Photographs—We will sort pictures on a timeline. Then students will create their own timelines.
Collage—Kindergarteners will look through magazines and cut out things that represent them. They will glue these onto a poster. We will share these at closing circle.—Students will work with partners on Ipads to “write” about themselves

We will also put our writing skills to work and spend sometime composing An All About Me book. 

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